41 Books For Your 2023 From My 2022 Reads

Stephen L M Heiner
13 min readMar 31, 2023
Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

So my pandemic-fueled days of reading have passed, and while I still managed to crest over 100 books read last year, I’m nowhere near the 200 I read in 2020 or the 150 I read in 2021. But it’s not about quantity, is it? It’s about the ones that stay with you. From the 120 or so that I read in 2022, here are the 41 I think you should consider, arranged by category.

Investigative Journalism…



Stephen L M Heiner

Singaporean-born American in Paris. I connect, educate, and build, AMDG. Follow my adventures at www.theamericaninparis.com.